He’s not very bright but he is very inquisitive. He fiddles with everything and he sucks everything: his way of relating with the objects in your house is by licking them. He will lick your forks to check if they are clean, your underwear to taste its flavour and the contents of your fridge to check their temperature (more than once he has stuck to the drawers of the freezer). Beware not to leave candy or chocolates around, since he will stick them in his mouth and return them to their wrapping.
PIGTAIL, a unique sculpture made of silicon, resin eyes and teeth in a recycled wood base. 8X6"
Tiene pocas luces y es curioso como él solo. Todo lo toquetea, y todo lo chupetea: su manera de relacionarse con los objetos de tu casa es pasándoles la lengua. Chupará tus tenedores para saber si están limpios y tu ropa interior para saber a qué sabe y lamerá el contenido de tu frigorífico para comprobar su temperatura (más de una vez se ha quedado pegado a los cajones del congelador). Y ten cuidado con dejar por ahí caramelos o bombones, porque se los meterá en la boca y luego los volverá a dejar en su envoltorio.
PIGTAIL, una escultura única hecha en silicona, con ojos y dientes en resina y una base de madera reciclada 15x20cm